This is Kat's Writing.

Following are a series of words and imagery.
Do not be too alarmed at life nor too complacent in the world. There may be alarming things here. There may not be. Have I mentioned scatological yet?



Friday, May 11, 2012

A Successful Silk Skirt Project.

I did it. I made a silk skirt.

It's a bit short.. but I'm still going to wear it.

A while ago I bought this for a bit of nothing at a thrift store.

So ugly as is..

A fugly and overly 80s silk dress.

So I traced a skirt of mine.
Made a sort of pattern.

Friday, April 20, 2012

This is my cat. He is helpful.

This is Zarathustra. He's..... very helpful.

So I put stuff on him.

Any questions?

What I found and what I did to it.

Whilst out thrifting (looking for the fabled fake satin nightgowns they don't make anymore for my gram) I found a treasure trove of silk.

This was one of the things.
A bit old fashioned, no?
It's a large heavy silk scarf. Because of where I am it is most likely someone's old hijab scarf. It's hand rolled, in great new shape...but a bit 'old' for me.

So I made it purple. Two packs of cherry koolaide and two packs of grape and a slow boil in a glass pot.

Mmmm smells yummy.
The new color makes it much more acceptable print-wise.
The color suits me.
Cream with print is old lady. But purple with print is retro and is thus good. I am much pleased. Not bad for two bucks, eh?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Awesome Recent Thrift Store Finds!

I scored these within the last two weeks. This much awesome in such a short time frame needs to be shared.

First, a brand new with the tags fancy shmancy dress.
I love the faux diamond and silver shoulder clasps. In person it's a deep plum.
It's some sort of stretchy knit with a gauzy over layer. It is a tiny bit loose (I've put it on twice now and only noted the zipper in the back after the last time I took it off.) but not loose enough to fiddle with. Fun story with this one? It was a bit pricey for a thrift store find.. even as a new dress. I hid it for two weeks and came back on a half off day. I look damned sexy in it too. (Modesty, I have it.)

Next, found the same day as the slinky purple dress.. Gothy lace over dress!
So goffy. It looks like something the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins once wore. The color is a dusty grape-purple.
This laces up the back, corset style and is gored to give an almost circular effect. It's also see through. The cashier said that she had one very similar as a wedding dress (only difference was hers was white) and hers was $250 to my $3. I will need some sort of liner unless I intend on showing off my bra set. I intend to cut off the sleeves and either make straps or more Victorian period-ish sleeves. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Silken Sewn Scarf. Also. Cats. Where they do not belong.

It lies.. looking so simple..
I have managed my first project with silky silk that I actually cared what it really looked it.

Before most of my projects (with silk) were small or the seams were easy to hide. Or, the kind of silk was rougher AKA simpler to work with.

Not this gal! After carefully reclaiming the silk from an older and way too large shirt I set to make myself a nice scarf for summer. I wanted to be able to tie it around my head to keep the sun off. And.. the seams would have to show. Since it is a scarf, you see.

At first I was going to just roll the edges. My machine has a roller foot. But then.. there was no roller foot to be found. I lost my roller foot!??! (I found it halfway through this project. Gah.)

OK. Internet tells me I can 'wrap' the seams for a nice smooth look with silk. OK. The instructions called for a steaming clothes iron. I don't even have a regular clothes iron!!! I hate irons so I don't have one. It was a running joke with my mother that sometime this would haunt me.

But I am going to do this. Hell or high water. I'm not a beginning seamstress.. more like a skilled amateur. This is JUST a big square! With little rectangles sewn on! Easy! Super easy! I mean.. I can make actual clothes!

And 4 hours later I had a scarf. It took me that long to sew up all those seams.. holding them carefully make sure nothing was bunched, everything was flat and the finished piece would look nice.. and seeing as silk migrates even if you pin that shiesse down.. it was even more fun. Fun I say.

BAH. I have enough silk from other too big shirts for a few more scarves... guess who is getting an iron. Any iron. My mom is probably laughing at me from somewhere.

And this didn't make sewing any easier either. Cats!

First Mac kept trying to steal the pile of fabric I was sorting.
 At least he was sleepy though.

And then the other one, Zar just had to supervise up close and personal.
Cats. Gotta love them. Or make them into cute furry hats.. one or the other.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sewing Stuff for Fun

I was digging through clothes the other day. Just sorting out stuff to take out to the good will. And I found a shirt of my late mothers. It was pink and had a lovely flower print on it. And even though pink is very not my color I kept it..because my mum liked it.

Sewing Machine! With sewing!
But I haven't worn it in a year... and I am trying to downsize. But I didn't want to get rid of it! So. I am making it into something else. I am making...a kerchief..a headband.. and maybe scrunchies.

I'm not too sure about this color by my face..but if I don't like it I can find someone who will.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Friday the 13th Good Luck Charm

My sister has been feeling a mite haunted lately. Her son (and another small boy) have had seriously bad nightmares or perhaps.. are actually sensing something.

Weather or not you believe it is ghosts, the products of our own psyche, the devil in red tights, a demon from beyond or any other thing is immaterial. Something is bothering them. And so, like any big sister I set out to help a little if I could.

And, I like runes. So I made her this:
Algiz, the Rune of Protection.
Now you may be thinking.. but that is not KNITTING!!!! Well of course it isn't, you cute twit. It is loom woven beadwork. I have this 8 dollar kid's bead loom and my adult butt has been loving the crap out of it. I haven't quite figured out how to attach the beaded lovelies to say.. leather yet.. without it looking a bit weird. But, these are pretty on their own and can make nice pieces on their own merits.