Creamy Potato Soup is a very simple recipe involving a potato, a few small onions, some flour, a pat of butter, a bit of cheese and milk. Oh, the ham is optional but it adds a special something to the taste or leave it out to be a vegetarian meal. It's yummy either way.
Serves Two.
1 Large Red Potato, (or two small ones.. or you can use non-red taters)
2 small onions. I like the yellow onions for this soup.
1 slice good deli ham
whole grain flour (or the white crap if that's what ya got)
sharp Cheddar cheese
Slice up the onion and potato into similar sized bits. They should be fairly small, but not smaller then a US quarter. Toss into boiling water in a 2 quart pan. Turn down heat and cook till potatoes are soft and almost fully cooked.
While they are cooking slice up the ham and cheese.
Now, remove pan from heat. Drain off half the water from the pan, tater and onions still in the remaining water. Add milk to the mix. Add at least enough milk to replace half the drained water. Return to heat till mix is hot.
Keeping mix at a constant not quite boiling spoon out 1/4 cup of the liquid. Put in bowl. Add flour to this mix till you've a thick paste like substance. Be sure to mash all the dry chunks out. Slowly pour (while stirring soup) this back into the still cooking soup. Add sliced ham and a small amount of cheese.
Continue stirring over heat till the soup thickens and the flour taste is cooked out. Allow to set a few minutes to finish thickening and serve with a nice slice of homemade buttered bread and a cheese topping.