This is Kat's Writing.

Following are a series of words and imagery.
Do not be too alarmed at life nor too complacent in the world. There may be alarming things here. There may not be. Have I mentioned scatological yet?



Friday, March 1, 2013

HOW-TO: Line a Skirt with Flannel

This is for those of us who suffer from the cold who wear skirts or kilts or what have you. And that would be many people above or below the equator.

And for those of you wondering just why I'm post-spamming now after being quiet so very long? I've had all sorts of ideas and have even made a few. I even took pictures for this blog. Sitting and typing in the cold room though? Not really a fan of it. The fleece skirt from last post is making it bearable.

This is yet another way to warm up a nether region. Sure, I could just wear tights.. but that just gets old. And many of them don't breath or fit weirdly.

How to line a skirt with flannel.

I started with a wool/acrylic blend from the thrift store. It was a very wide handmade circle skirt...and the fabric really did not suit the style or cut of the pattern they chose. I picked it because I wanted to have a loose house wear item and I thought I could save it. Meh. Pitfall of the dollar day sale. It happens.

You will also need flannel. I'm using a flannel top-sheet.

You may also want to use elastic and or a zipper, depending on your body shape and preferred waist band. As I have curvy hips I tend to use a short zipper at the side and two sections of elastic in the back, one over each bum-bump. This way there are no gaps and the fabric lays better.

Machiavelli here will be our overseer.

 Fold your sheet so that you've four layers at one corner. When you cut it, you should be able to come away with two half skirts that you simply sew up.

First I cut off the original waistband. It was elastic. I folded the skirt into fourths as it was a four panel skirt. I then laid it over the folded end edge of my flannel top-sheet.
I then cut away at the long edge. Being all exact and everything, I folded up the bottom half of the skirt 4 or so inches and trimmed away the flannel. The liner should be shorter then the skirt.

Unfold your two flannel half-skirts and pin together. The cat will help. Sew them together. Hem it too. I think I used 1/2 inch hems.
I hope the picture helps make the end result clear.

Pinning the liner to the skirt. Please note I made an opening for a zipper. I like zippers.

Make sure to do this evenly all around. Also make sure it lays nice and smoothly everywhere. And be sure to put the nice looking side of the liner facing out, rough sewn edge to rough sewn edge!

You can either neatly fold the flannel over and turn the cut end under to make a waist band or.. if you are adding a zipper.. cut a strip of flannel for a waist band. Mine was maybe two inches wide before attaching. I followed standard waist band construction to attach it neatly.

Elastic for the back.
I kind of skipped a few steps. No worry. All I have done here is to attach the waist band with pins.. and made a pocket that shall hang inside the skirt from the waist from a few scraps.(Because pockets. They are awesome.) In this picture I am finding the best location for the elastic for the back. I'll pin it tight and sew it in after I've done the rest of the band.

It will look like this on the inside.

And from the outside.
Almost done. Since I added a waistband and zipper slit.. I have to add something to close up that band.

ARRRR! A hook!
A hook and eye closure. And, I must say that there are no pictures of me actually in this.
This skirt isn't really that flattering... the cut and length are all wrong for my body shape. I have done this with a few more flatteringly shaped skirts.. but no record was made of them. This skirt, while very warm and comfy, will be decommissioned and recut into something awesome. I'm thinking a flannel slip and a short spring woollen cape.

After it's warmed up that is. Until then I hoard all the warm things no matter the look.

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